Current Projects

At age 17, Gracie Justice launched The Unity Project, with SoulJourners, a creative collaboration, featuring music, the written word, performance art, and stop motion filmmaking. Her desire is to inspire unity through art and education—with a special emphasis on community engagement to end homelessness. Inspired by Finland’s sustainable solutions to homelessness, she has embraced their “housing first” model and gathered information on how other European cultures provide for members of their communities who are without homes. She then incorporates this information into The Unity Project.

She has teamed up with BetterWorld to continue funding her artistic pursuits. If you’d like to support this remarkable and talented young woman on her quest to use art to help the homeless, please see BetterWorld.

Gracie Justice wrote the epilogue for the second edition of FREEDOM; A book focused on creating a life you don’t need a vacation from.

Her other interests include finance, philosophy, and holistic medicine. Gracie would like to homestead in nature, while embracing a life of slow living, creativity, and freedom. While playful, ethereal, and engaging in person, she does her best to protect her personal privacy and online biometric data. She chooses instead to fill her social media pages with photos and videos of her art.

Her travels abroad took her to Sweden, Italy, France, England, and Ireland. Through her journeys, she met other creative souls and open minded people alike, reminding her of how connected we all truly are.